Anabas testudineus commanly known as climbing perch is called ‘ikan puyu’ in Malaysia. Resipi yang diajar oleh mertuaku, hjh Timah. sedap dimakan bersama nasi minyak/nasi beriani.
ikan puyu
cinnamon stick
star anise
cardamon pods
2 gloves of garlic-pounded
3 shallots-pounde
2cm ginger-pounded
1 packet pickle spices
1 onion-cut into 4
red and green chillies-cut in 2
1 cucumber-cut in long pieces
1 carrot-cut into long pieces
tamarind juice
salt to taste
cooking oil
1.fry the anchovies and ikan puyu
(with salt and turmeric powder as usual)until well done.put aside
2.stir fry the cinnamon stick,star anise,cardamon pods and also the
pounded ingredients and pickle spices untill all becomes oily.
3.add the tamarind juice,kerisik,sugar,salt,and all vegetables.continue
frying untill cooked.
4.lastly,put the anchovies and the ikan puyu. if you want more souce,put
some more water but makesure the sugar and salt is enough.
it's ready to serve!
mana ko ambik ikan puyu banyak2 ni,..mahal tau ikan puyu ni, sekor rm2 kalo yg kecik, kalo beso mcm ko tu rm3. Ke ko sauk kat mana2 sawah kat Londu tu..kahkahkah... biasa la aku sauk kt pasar tani.wah,ko mmg pkr ikan! yk sia2 master ko tu...mmg pun harga dia cam tu..nk makan punyer psl...lantak ler mahalnyer. ko try ler ternak ni pulak.laki aku mmg suka mkn bab2 ikan ni..
ReplyDeleteHari tu puyu aku dh bertelur, dh menetas nk biakkan puyu n leceh sikit..aku dh nampak anak2 puyu tu berenang2, tp tiga hari lepas tu sume mati..lom pas ilmu ikan lagi..kena belajo lagi nih...
ReplyDeletetak per..try lagi..tu maknenyer master tu lum blh buat bhn phd..lps ni,ko study blk..try pg kt blog LKIM- bab2 perikanan ni..mana tahu kut2 ada tips kt situ